4 Alternatives to the Midday Latte
by Jacquelyn Farnsworth
You start to feel the tell-tale jitters as you finish the last hour of work for the day, your heart beating a touch too quickly and your veins running cold. Or even worse, you lie awake that night staring at the ceiling, willing your tired eyes to close as you run through the list of things that have to get done in the morning.
The culprit? It's the caffeine in the midday latte that was supposed to boost you up but instead it's bringing you down. Next time, skip the coffee when you start to drag.
In this era of busyness, take a moment to intentionally relax. Utilize these five natural alternatives to lift your spirits and get you through the day. We've picked products that leverage therapeutic essential oils and botanicals to make you feel good without negative side effects.
Take advantage of scent, taste, and touch to center yourself and recover the mindfulness that will help you tackle the rest of the day in stride.
Set the Tone
Imagine what a refreshing spritz of soothing lavender water could do for your spirits. Rosewater is famous for its therapeutic properties, but what is less well known is that the same distillation process that creates rosewater can also be applied to other plants and botanicals. At the Microsoapery, lavender is one of our favorite ingredients to distill.
Our unusual Lavender Flower Toner is made using a steam distillation process that results in two products: lavender water, also called lavender hydrosol, and lavender essential oil. The essential oil may be more well-known, but lavender water is also prized as a gentle ingredient that can be applied directly to skin while retaining all of the benefits of lavender essential oil.
Uplifting and refreshing, a midday spritz can help get you through the day while replenishing moisture and soothing skin.

A Healthy Snack for Skin
Your eyes are getting weary, and it's hard to concentrate on your computer screen. Pull out a bottle of our Face Serum, rich in vitamins and antioxidants when you need a mini wake-up.
Close your eyes and gently rub the light, non-comedogenic formula onto your face, taking care not to disturb makeup. Leave your eyes closed and take this opportunity to reset as the oils rich in omega fatty acids soak into your tired skin.

Even just the scent of coffee can sometimes give your mood a boost. Scent has incredible power. Here at Spinster Sisters Co., we've studied the art of aromatherapy, using scent to affect mood and well-being.
We use a rich and varied selection of essential oils and botanicals to scent our rubs and balms. Next time you feel a wave of tension coming on, you can untwist a tin of Temple Rub (now discontinued) with the ambrosial aroma of lavender, chamomile, jasmine, and lemon balm. Rub the smooth shea butter salve onto temples and neck and let your stress melt away.
If it's a pick-me-up you need, try a swipe of zippy Peppermint Lip Balm. The beeswax balm is infused with a strong dose of peppermint oil that can help you banish the doldrums.

Butter It Up
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the best part of a pedicure is the 2-3 minute massage you get as the lotion is applied. If the technician keeps going for as much as 5 minutes? You better give them an excellent tip, my friend.
Take this strategy beyond the salon with your own mini hand massage. First, be sure to keep a tube of lotion in your bag. Pick an invigorating scent like our Lemongrass Sage Body Butter. Squeeze out a generous amount, a bit more than you would need just to moisturize, and take your time when rubbing it in. Make sure to massage the cream into each joint of the fingers and press deeply on the center of the palm.